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Lesja Ukrainka

A lot about Lesja Ukrainka – in free access on the site

Lesja Ukrainka: Encyclopedia of life and creativity

Kyiv: Myslene drevo. – 2008.


Encyclopedia contains a complete collection of original works of Lesja Ukrainka, her translation, folklore records, correspondence, photo gallery. Some critical articles on the work of Lesja Ukrainka also included.

For pupils, students, graduate students, professors of ukrainian literature. For all lovers of ukrainian poetry.

Kosach-Kryvynyuk O. Lesja Ukrainka: chronology of the life and creative work

New York: 1970.

Documentary biographical sketch.

Olga Kosach-Kryvynyuk (1877-1945, Lesja Ukrainka's sister) back in 1930th, in Kiev, began her work on collecting and normalizing family archives and manuscripts collection of the Lesja Ukrainka, mainly her letters. This large volume of work published in 1970, to 100-year anniversary of the poetess.

For students, graduate students, professors in Ukrainian literature. For anyone interested in Lesja Ukrainka and the history of Ukraine.


Lesja Ukrainka Collected works in 12 vols

Kyiv: Naukova dumka. – 1975.


Publication of works by Lesja Ukrainka in 12 volumes, completed in 1975 – 1979, up today remains the most comprehensive and authoritative edition.

For pupils, students, graduate students. For anyone interested in Ukrainian literature and Lesja Ukrainka.


Dictionary of Lesja Ukrainka

Kyiv: Myslene drevo. – 2009.

Ukrainian language dictionary.

Dictionary of Lesja Ukrainka first time in history compiled in 2009. It includes all the words and word forms that are found in all writings (works, folk records, letters) by Lesja Ukrainka. All dictionary contains 127,118 words.

For graduate students, professors, specialists in Ukrainian. For researchers of works by Lesja Ukrainka.