Початкова сторінка


Ми робимо Україну – українською!




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During preliminary field observation of 1997 year on Ovruch's mountain-ridge (an isolated loess plateau with rockbasal part located among the sand deposits of Polisia lowlands in Northern Ukraine) were found two stratificated Upper Paleolithic sites which contained only expressive lithic assemblages. The first one Ovruch I (15 tools) was lain in upper part of loess soil (fig. 1, a) and characterized by faint Aurignacian signs connected with laminar retouch or "amuseau" edges of some end scrapers (fig. 3). The archaic version of blade processing with hard hammerstone is represented by primitive prismatic cores with one or two striking platforms (fig. 2).

The assemblage of second site Sholomky I (near 100 lithic tools included 27 backed lanceolate and gravettian points of different proportions and their fragments) had expressive features of Epi-Gravettian cultural tradition (fig. 5) and was lain in upper part of loess soil too (fig. 1, б). The primitive method of blade processing with hard hummerstone was also used in mentioned assemblage (fig. 4), probably as an expressive local tradition of flint knapping. Other tools were represented both by most numerous truncated, angle or dihedral burins and end scrapers which were made mainly on the blades (fig. 6; 7; 8).

The most close analogies of Sholomky I (as well as other Dovginichi and Zbran'ki sites earlier known in region) are observed among assemblages of Udinovo-Timonovka culture of latest mammoth hunters of Periglacial zone of Eastern Europe. This culture (where the similar types of lanceolate points, truncated burins and end scrapers were wide used) was spread in Upper part of Desna and Oka river basins in Western Russia and well dated by 13-15 thousands years ago. Other type of microliths (fig. 5, 1, 21) from Sholomky I (narrow gravettian points with retouched base) are widely represented also in some Epi-Gravettian sites of Western Ukraine (Gorodok 1 and 2, layers 1-5 of Molodova 5, etc.) in Upper part of Goryn' and Dnister river basins accordingly, dated after 15 thousandyears ago too.

Надійшла до редакції 18.02.1998 р.