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Ми робимо Україну – українською!



Дмитро Донцов

In this book the author sends a warning message to his countrymen against the fatal influence of Muscovite messianism, with which the bolsheviks (not unlike their tsarist predecessors) attempt to poison ideologically and subdue politically the Ukraine and the entire free world.

Basing himself on the testimonies of the English man Fletcher, the Frenchman Vogué, the German von Staden, of Dostoyevski and of other Russians, the author asserts that Muscovite messianism, the notion of a «superior Muscovite race», the very mentality and the political ideal of the Muscovite people (i. e. «equality» of millions of slaves and tyranny of one or several autocrate) – that ail this remained essentially unchanged in the course of centuries. By falsehood, deception, and propagande, by treachery, by terror or by the sword Muscov strives to demoralize our world, to destroy Christian civilization, to impose her own «ideas» and her political domination.

The Ukraine and the whole Western world can challenge these Muscovite schemes only after uprooting the influence of Muscovite ideological poison and its propagators from their own ranks, from within the social organism of the West. Only after achieving a spiritual revolution can Ukrainiens succed in a political revolution.

Writing about the French Revolution of 1789, the famous British thinker and politician, Edmund Burke, said: «The age of chivalry is gone, that of sophists, economiste and calculators has succeeded». What 1789 began, 1917 completed. The author summons us in his book to defy the repugnant game of «sophists» and «calculators» who demoralize their nations, demobilize them ideologically and thus weaken their strength to resist the onslaught of Muscov. Не calls on his countrymen to combat the spirit of petty speculation in politics, the mercenary spirit and the unprincipled, the poisonous «wind from the East»; he calls on them to combat the cuit, now so common in the West, which Herbert Hoover calls the cuit of the «common man» and D. Lawrence – «mobocracy» and also the demagogical «left wingism» which invariably leads society to materialism, to inner corruption and to totalitarian tyranny or foreign conquest.

The author appeals to the best elements of the Ukrainian people, which was the first victim of Muscov’s messianic imperialism, but still continues to offer vigorous resistance. Не appeals to those who can give a new leadership to the nation and, above ail, accomplish that spiritual revolution, without which the nation cannot regain its health and full national independence in her own state, nor Russia can be destroyed.

The author appeals to people of ardent patriotism and unbent faith. Не demands a fanatical hatred of Evil and an equal love for our Christian cultural heritage with its traditional virtues, he demands the heroism and the traditional fighting spirit of the old Ukraine. This new type of men are to lead a crusade against the spirit of falsehood, treachery and violence, which Muscow carries westward.a crusade in the name of liberty for the individual and for nations, free from the domination of international anti-Christian dark powers.

This summons with the motto «Moscovia delenda est» makes the essence of this book.


Подається за виданням: Донцов Д. Московська отрута. – Торонто – Монреаль: Спілка визволення України, 1955 р., с. 291 – 292.