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4.3. Self-organization

V. I. Melnikov

More or less clear ideas of self-organization and a notion itself had appeared in science in the second part of 20th century. But the process of notion formation had begun earlier and is forming till now. The notion “self-organization” and the corresponding theory crystallized in works of Шредингера, Л. Бриллюэна, М. Планка, Уиллера, С. Больцмана, Р. Хартли, Шеннона, Эшби, Н. Винера, Хокинга, Л. Сцилларда, Я. Зельдовича, В. Глушкова, Г. Хакена, И. Пригожина, В. Арнольда и др. [5, 9, 71, 80, 103, 109]. The process of self-organization is actual not only for thermodynamics, but for cosmology, astrophysics, optics, chemistry, geology, biology, sociology and other sciences.

Self-organization is a double notion and is contrary to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, i.e. to the law of entropy growing, chaos growing, disintegration of structures, rise of homogeneity. Or, coming to the TCS notions, we could say that the 2nd law of thermodynamics is a particular case of equation of interacting states. In this case self-organization means growth of level differences of interacting objects. So, either a statement of level closeness is not correct (see 1.2), or there is no process of self-organization. But in reality we could observe both. Contradiction can be solved if taken into account that the condition of level closeness is just for CS. Self-organization is possible only in an open system or inside of CS with distributive parameters, in which rise of level difference in one part is possible only when it is lowed in its other part. In general in the hole CS the summary state is equal zero.

Self-organization in an open system is like this in the CS, but CS is formed from the open one by addition of all the interaction parts of the environment (medium) (see 1.2).

If the bios stem is looked up as an object of self-organization, i.e. its self-organization is possible with prolonged changeable in time and insignificant influence of environment (medium). Herewith bios system have to be looked up as a system with divided parameters in which the successive deposition (accumulation) of different changes of part is being occurred, i.e. the complicity of a system is a result of “complicated” influence of an environment (medium). Quickly changing medium cannot change as quickly a state of bios system because of its size and great resistance of dividing zone. That is why bios system is constantly being complicated, i.e. is developing or, in other words, is being “self-organized”.

Coming to a notion of entropy we could say that while “self-organization” of an object pumping over of entropy from it to a medium is being occurred. Entropy in an object is decreasing, and in a medium it is growing. In general, quantity of entropy in whole CS is unchangeable, i.e. is equal to zero (excluding informational compound).

So, for a particular case of bios system we could say that with quickly changing medium (in borders of viability) a bios system will “self-organize”, i.e. develops. With a state medium an entropy of bios system will increase and it will “disorganize”, i.e. degrade, regress. All this, surely, have to be looked up in appropriate time borders.