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3.8. Experimental confirmation of physical application of the TCS

V. I. Melnikov

The experimental confirmation of any theory can be obtained by several ways.

1. Quantitative revision of the known facts which were partially described and explained.

2. Explanation of the known facts of unknown nature.

3. Detection of new facts predicted by the theory.

4. New interpretation of the well-known facts which have explanations.

In the case of the ТСS all the clauses are possible, but at the present moment the fourth one is most accessible and convincing, though others are not eliminated also in due course.

A new interpretation of the known facts has the advantage before existing ones in the case of the reduction of the number of initial unprovable a priory rules and postulates and in the case of the possibility of the explanation and generalization of a large body of empirical data.

In the context of the problems considered, the multistage scheme of experimental confirmation of TCS aspects is possible.

1. The main TCS aspects are verified by functional and structural similarity of a number of basic laws and aspects of different branches of physics, which, in their turn, are verified or established experimentally.

2. The developed model of the generalized physical process substantiates the existence of essentially new process of interaction of mass, charge, magnetized body, and other objects with environment, in particular, with physical vacuum (including the propagation of some hypothetical differently directed flows between them).

3. The indicated process allows one to use the unified approach in order to interpret a lot of known fundamental experimental data explained earlier by a considerable set of separate, special, irrelevant empirical relations, effects, rules, principles, and postulates. In particular, the model can explain or justify the following hypotheses, laws, and experimental data in the framework of the unified approach:

1. Inertial law.

2. Laws of attraction-repulsion.

2.1. Law of universal gravitation.

2.2. Coulomb's law.

3. Principle of equivalency of inertial force and gravity force.

4. Postulates of the theory of relativity and their experimental validation.

5. Hypotheses of space and time relativity.

6. Inertial frame.

7. Relation Δ/А.

8. "Curvature" of space in a gravitational field.

9. The absence of the expansion of the Universe and the uselessness of the corresponding assumptions.

Table 6 lists the results of the comparative analysis of the existing explanations of the above-mentioned facts from the viewpoint of the process of mass (charge) interaction with environment, in particular, with physical vacuum.

The analysis demonstrates that, as to the number of input data, the model of the generalized process (in particular, the process of mass interaction) is of the apparent advantage before the conventional interpretations of the known facts. Moreover, since the model of the generalized process is valid by definition for all branches of physics, the number of the facts explained with its help will probably grow, and this will consolidate its positions.

The effect of mass change in time while the interaction process is going on as well as the change of the mass in other kinds of interaction (e.g. electromagnetic) at their superposition are expected to provide future confirmation of the legitimacy of the model. Moreover, as the speed of light is different in the media with different optical densities, it should also differ in the media with different "aether" densities. Therefore, the speed c will depend on the intensity of mass interaction, i.e. it should be smaller in the regions with large gravitation. In particular, the speed of light at the Earth surface should be less than in space.

At present the new interpretation is basically of qualitative phenomenological nature. More solid evidences can be obtained in the case of quantitative investigations and descriptions.

Table 6. Experimental confirmation of the adequacy of the model of the generalized physical process to the physical picture of the universe.

Model Experiment
1. Availability of two objects 1. Mass and physical vacuum (medium)
2. Availability of ΔU 2. Mass density >> vacuum density
3. Appearance of new properties
3. Appearance of new characteristics of medium according to clauses 4–5 (Sec. 3.1), in particular, of the vector of field intensity g
4. Availability of interaction flow
4 Quadratic change of g at quadratic change of the flow cross-section, principle of equivalency
5. I = ΔU / R
5. Level and direction of interaction between mass and medium depends on its structure and characteristics
5.1. Isotropic medium
ΔUi = const; Ii = const 5.1. g varies equally in all directions; mechanical resultant is equal to zero (inertial system)
5.2. Anisotropic medium
ΔUi ≠ const; Ii ≠ const
5.2. Inertial force; gravity (in general case the force of attraction-repulsion); Deviation of a light ray in a gravitational field
5.3. Composite medium
5.3.1. Change of resistance of medium-conductor and change of I
5.3. Existence and form of the dependence of the mass defect on the number of nucleons in a nucleus
5.3.2. Existence of internucleonic and spatial interaction
5.4. System «object-medium»–closed system 5.4. Principle of relativity. Experiments confirming the second TSR postulate
5.5. Moving medium (two-level interaction)
5.5. Cosmological redshift