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1.5. On the general direction of systems’ change

V. I. Melnikov

Some practically important effects on perspectives of change, i.e. the development of a generalized system containing a particular amount of different parts can be drawn from the above-mentioned main conceptions and interrelations.

Statement of several similar parts’ availability is indicative of conditions of their interaction’s origination, as identical but differing parts possess different levels of their states. As interaction is directed toward the approximation of the parts’ conditions levels, in the course of interaction these parts’ state will turn into the state of one part, and in case of its isolation (i.e. lack of the environment’s action) the interaction of a higher level components will cause its consequential gradual extinction. This perspective of system’s development is some generalized analogue of the heat death of the Universe. Though, similar to the case of a fully substantiated refutation of a possibility of the heat death of the Universe, in our case disappearance of the system resulting from its inner interaction is also not real as there is no ASC in a heat or any other meaning. The given dynamics of the system’s development is needed as a lighthouse determining directions of the current systems’ changes, although the final goal (unification and extinction), as a lighthouse for a ship, is unattainable.

In such a way, these changes’ trends are the aspirations and system’s development trends at present.

These general discussions due to the community of CCS conceptions are justified for a system of any nature: rigid body, thermodynamic system, living organism, society, world states’ systems, economic system etc. Though in practice it will not be easy, not to say impossible, to reveal even traces of these general directions in a total mass due to the incomparable intensities of different processes’ behavior. In this case correctness of selection of the research’s dominating objects and processes determining behavior and change of the system will play a dominant role.

E.g., in a rigid body the following processes will be dominant: processes of mass and space interaction (see cl. 3.7), in thermodynamic system – movement of molecules, in living object – economical, political, ideological, social, demographic and other objects and corresponding processes etc. Approximation of their states’ level will be the guideline in all the cases though. In such a way unifying society’s trends in states, religion etc. can be unifies, as any unification means’ equalization, in particular – state’s leveling, transfer of state’s rights (e.g., those of authority) from parts to the whole. E.g., from a member of a group, state, enterprise to a corresponding unification.

As an example of unification of levels of system’s parts states in a live nature one can mention a well-known fact of degradation of parasites after their penetrating into the body of a host, as many functions necessary for an independent life in a host’s body become unnecessary. Degradation in this case means simplification of a system, curtailment of some constituent parts and corresponding functions, and therefore reduction of difference, i.e. approximation of the states’ levels.

Should TCS be not used, one can practically not detect these trends in systems’ development, and, as a rule, one should not only state “unifying” factors or “gather” this general trend by collecting some separate experimental pieces of facts by the way of thoroughly weighing, discussing and researching necessary statement of any piece in a harmonic structure of a new balanced system. More often a new system’s origination is carried out by trial-and-error method of both people and nature. In the latter case a mechanism of natural selection of living cells’ new systems takes place.

Certainly real processes of approximation are far from being monotonous due to the complexity of their systems; they can run both as a unification of a variety of factors and in a form of disintegration of nonviable living cells. Therein the criteria of a stable integrity of preserved (existing) system will play a dominant role.

Viable (integral, preserved) are those systems that, being unified, decrease their internal interaction, and not a vice versa. When internal antagonisms and, consequently, interactions increase, the systems become less viable.

Due to a complex composition of each constituent part of internal interaction’s system in any part, change in the system’s level correlation takes place and. Consequently, either increase or decrease of interaction of these systems’ parts, i.e. either the continuation of unification, or the disintegration of the system takes place.

In such a way both integrating and disintegrating trends in systems’ development are directed towards approximation of the levels of parts’ states both inside the system and of the system and the environment; in the aggregate they also represent their own closed system.