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3.4.2. The media of electromagnetic wave propagation and existence

V. I. Melnikov

The general phenomenological description of the system “physical body – physical vacuum” considered above and the results of the well-known physical experiments allowed us to put forward the following hypothesis relevant to the electromagnetic wave propagation in continuous media.

The medium of electromagnetic wave propagation is the product of the electromagnetic interaction of the physical body and the physical vacuum surrounding this body.

This hypothesis and the proposed description of the multi-level interaction of the physical body and the physical vacuum allow various well-known physical phenomena to be explained in the framework of unique self-consistent principles. To this end, we use the concept of the Euclidean space and the concepts of frame, time, and space elaborated in the TCS.

The above conjecture implies that the medium as a whole is the privileged frame with respect to which the electromagnetic wave propagates with some velocity. It is the frame looked for in numerous experiments. However, the conditions of electromagnetic wave propagation in this medium and the wave parameters are liable to changes, since the medium is inhomogeneous and anisotropic inside the system as well.

Let us consider some typical cases of electromagnetic wave propagation in various physical systems. For convenience, introduce the following conventional designations of generalized parameters and interactions:

UOB, WOB, IOB are the level difference, the interaction, and the intensity of the interaction between the physical body (PB) and the physical vacuum (PV) as a whole;

Uoi, Woi, Ioi are the level difference, the interaction, and the intensity of the interaction between the PB and the PV element i;

Uij, Wij, Iij are the level difference, the interaction, and the intensity of the interaction between the PV elements i and j.

The following typical cases are possible.

The PB is located in the original isotropic and homogeneous PV.

The WOB products form some spherical body of infinite radius. Its optical density decreases quadratically as the distance from the body increases, since the cross-section of the WOB flows increases according to the quadratic law (Fig. 12). Let us call this spherical body the interaction lens (IL). When the physical body is at rest with respect to the system of motionless stars (MS) or when it moves uniformly, the IL and the body move together with the same velocity. The IL is characterized by certain spherical isosurfaces with the same properties (including the optical density). Electromagnetic waves propagate along these surfaces in all directions with a constant velocity. This model is supported by the Michelson-Morley experiment.

The radial wave propagation (toward the PB and away from it) is going under other conditions due to the radial propagation of the WOB flows. The gravitational redshift may be explained in this way (Fig. 12).

In the case of the progressive longitudinal propagation of the electromagnetic wave, the light rays are deflected in the direction to the layers with a higher optical density, according to the optics laws (since different layers of an amorphous body have different optical density). The WOB flow direction can also have some significance. The bending of light in gravity fields can be the manifestation of these processes. The TGR explains this fact by the space curvature in gravity fields (Fig. 13).

This model can be validated by the well-known phenomenon of double stars (Fig. 13). In this case the counter motion of stars compensates the motion of their optical media. The Fizeau experiment can be explained in the same way, the reduced medium being the superposition of the optical media formed by the Earth and the moving water. The Hertz hypothesis would hold true if the experiment conditions were such that the celestial bodies were all infinitely spaced from one another. The reduced frame would coincide exactly with the water moving with respect to pipes (predominantly “безмассовых”) water, as still ambience, in which spreads light.

Other well-known phenomena and experiments relevant to light rays (Fresnel experiment, stellar aberration, Sagnac experiment, electrodynamics of leptons, etc.) can be described in the similar manner with the use of the concepts of reduced optical medium and reduced center.

The model can also be used in the interpretation of the CS and IF concepts as well as in the justification of the both TSR postulates.