Початкова сторінка


Ми робимо Україну – українською!


Арнольд Марголін, нота президенту Мирової конференції в Лондоні (Велика Британія), 10 лютого 1920

Переклад Богдана Гирича

London, 10th February, 1920

The questions of first importance among the problems, which are to be decided by the Peace Conference is the question of East Europe, the questions of the great territory of the former Russian State. The experiment of the last year shows the inutility and baseless nature of trying to roof out anarchy and to establish law and order there by the aid of the «Pan Russian» Army [Alexander] Kolchak, [Anton] Denikin and [Nikolai] Judenich. When such a great state organism like Russia was breaks blown, there is no physical or psychological force, which could with in the same frontiers renew as a homogeneous state a territory with such a varied population drawn from the score of nations.

The only right and satisfactory course is to give every support to the new state organisations which have actually been crystallised on the territory of the former Russian state, and which have their local government and their representatives at the Peace Conference. By their recognition of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia, the Entente states have already taken this right course. In addressing the Peace Conference with urgent representations on behalf of the same immediate recognition of the Ukraine, the Ukrainian Special Diplomatic Mission in the United Kingdom has in this connection, the honour to submit the following consideration:

The territory of the long-suffering Ukraine experienced last year the reactionary regime of the Hetman, and Bolshevism and [Anton] Denikin. The first two regimes were supported by the German Government and the German Army. The Denikinists were supported throughout by the Entente. One army only, that of [Symon] Petliura, has always been left to its own devices in its unequal straggle with numerous enemies attacking on all sides. It is no matter for wonder that in such conditions the regular Army of the Ukraine should fail to keep in its possession the vast territory of the Ukraine. In the Twentieth Century it is very difficult, even when the local population is sympathetic, to wage war without artillery, rifles, boots, and other munitions, and even without medicaments.

The one force, which alone could not suppress anarchy in the Ukraine, but form the basis of ordered state construction in the Ukraine, is the Ukrainian Government and its Army. The Ukrainian «intellectuals» and the Ukrainian peasantry differ in every respect from the great Russians. There are no supporters of reaction among for the reactionary elements of great landed proprietors and upper bureaucracy were Russified a long time ago. On the other hand, the Ukrainian liberals as well as the socialistic parties were never imbued by the purely Great Russian idea – the Messianic idea, in the domain of utopian plans of state construction; they have never awaited the light from the East. On the contrary, the sane and healthy Ukrainian population, firmly based on the strong Ukrainian peasantry, awaits the light from the West; they long for the establishment of a free democratic Ukrainian state on the pattern of those existing in the west of Europe and in America.

Weasted and exhausted by anarchy, lacking transport and bereft of trade, cut off from the whole world the Ukraine awaits help from these West European and American countries. This help should be take three forms. We ask for (1) the moral support of the Ukraine by means of its immediate recognition; we ask for (2) technical support of the Ukrainian Army, in its effort to crush anarchy, by means of sending instructors, organisers, munitions, boots, uniforms, medicaments etc; and we ask for (3) the economic aid of the Ukraine, which is so urgently in need f support in reconstruction, in ways of communication in building the network of railways, in the regulation and utilisation of rivers and water power, in manufacturing goods for towns and villages, and in the development of its rich natural resources.

We have no doubt that the sane and healthy element of the population, the element of law and order supported by the recognition of and the authority of the Peace Conference, and by the help of the European and American Powers, will soon put down anarchy, and begin to create the normal democratic state, the final form of which will be decided upon later by the Constitute Assembly, chosen by all the people of the Ukraine.

A[rnold] Margolin

Chief of the Mission

Переклад Богдана Гирича


Друкується за примірником Міністерства закордонних справ УНР, машинопис / ЦДАВО України Ф. 3696. – Оп. 2. – Спр. 94. – Арк. 7-9.

Переклад Міністерства закордонних справ УНР, машинопис / Сергійчук В. Неусвідомлення України. Ставлення світу до Української державності: погляд у 1917 – 1921 роки з аналізом сьогодення / В. Сергійчук. – 2-е видання, доповнене. – К.: ПП Сергійчук М., 2012. – С. 63-65.


Архів Української Народної Республіки. Міністерство закордонних справ. Дипломатичні документи від Версальського до Ризького мирних договорів (1919–1921) / Упоряд.: Валентин Кавунник. – Київ: Інститут української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М. С. Грушевського, 2016. – С. 435-436.